Title I Program is a federally funded program designed to provide children who are working below average with additional help in Reading, Math and/or Language Arts.
BIST - Behavior Intervention Support Team
Educators today are challenged by the ability to reach students who are struggling with behavior and at times in crisis. This tremendous challenge inspired the creation of the BIST (Behavior Intervention Support Team) model. BIST supports a caring community and a productive academic environment. BIST empowers schools to change students’ lives and behavioral skills by:
Balance of grace and accountability
Powerful language to problem solve
Consistency in expectations
The BIST model utilizes four steps so educators have the ability to know when and how to intervene so students can stop acting out. These steps create a consistent, supervised, safe environment in order to teach and protect students. The fours steps are:
Early Intervention
Caring Confrontation
Protective Planning
Our team is committed to coaching and supporting schools with the BIST model so that schools can create positive change with and for students. Contact us so we can support you in moving your school forward in these challenging times in education. (Information provided by http://www.bist.org)
Entrepreneurship/ Y.E.S. - Young Entrepreneurial Spirit
At Lee A. Tolbert Community Academy, the unifying theme of our school is entrepreneurial spirit. We want students to recognize that creating a successful business is a rewarding and exciting way to escape poverty. However, our students know that businesses do not magically appear. Our school exposes students to the process of starting up businesses with the Young Entrepreneurial Spirit program (or Y.E.S. program). Currently, we are working with Junior Achievement where volunteers from local businesses come into classrooms and teach skills related to entrepreneurialism.
The Y.E.S. program is entirely hands-on. Students at every grade level become involved in business practices. Students work alone and in groups and learn concepts like budgets, business plans and decision-making strategies. These skills not only inspire children to ponder future entrepreneurial careers, but provide invaluable life skills as well.
Every L.A.T.C.A. student participates in one or more programs throughout the school year.
Ms. Rachel Foster, former Young Entrepreneur Spirit Teacher, participated in Teach for America Kansas City's Shark Tank Teacher Edition. Click here for the video.
PBIS - Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports
Funded by the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP), the Technical Assistance Center on PBIS supports schools, districts, and states to build systems capacity for implementing a multi-tiered approach to social, emotional and behavior support. The broad purpose of PBIS is to improve the effectiveness, efficiency and equity of schools and other agencies. PBIS improves social, emotional and academic outcomes for all students, including students with disabilities and students from underrepresented groups. (Information provided by www.pbis.org)